How to install Chrome in Nethunter without chrome crashing

Install Chrome in Nethunter Kali Linux, Chrome has become the major browser of every single person on this planet like to use make use of because of how friendly and easy it is. You can check documentation for further inquiries

The main point of this tutorial is to install Chrome in nethunter device and use it to browse with our the so called crashing.

Plans or illustration of how we can achieve installation of chrome in nethunter or Kali.

First of all we will try to install stable chrome then after the installation we will now now run it , if it fails we will now Edith the desktop environment and try to rerun it again.

How to install Chrome in Nethunter Kali Linux
  1. Open your Nethunter machine and navigate to the terminal
  2. Update tour machine repos by run sudo apt update
  3. Download Chrome and move to the final step.
  4. Install chrome using the dpkg install

Without wasting time let’s get started of how we can install Chrome in Nethunter.

Step one : We will update our source list by running this code provided by Chrome for Linux distro.

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

After running the above command the list will open in nano format then add this into it and save by pressing Ctrl+x then save it if it ask to save.

deb stable main contrib non-free

After we have successfully updated .our sources.list we will now move to step two

Sure you have done this. Then let’s move ahead.

You must still update your machine because of the source list

sudo apt update

I am sure by now your machine is done updating them you have to now install the main thing that brought you hear which is chrome.

sudo apt install chromium chromium-l10n

Now copy the above code and run it as given above.

Now when you run the code chrome would be downloaded and installed. Then we are good to go.

But one thing you should know is that in different machines chromes behave a differently. In my ends after I installed Chrome it refuses to start or launch.

How to solve chrome not able to start or launch in Kali Linux

The thing there is that we will add no sand box security level to our chrome so that it will be able to launch.

Back to the terminal , run the follow code using using nano or vim but in our case I am using nano.

nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop

After running the code the nano editor will this folder where desktop icons are edit it like my own below.

Find this line Exec=/usr/bin/chromium %U and edit and add no sandbox to it and make it look like this below.

Exec=/usr/bin/chromium --no-sandbox

Conclusion of how to install Chrome in Nethunter Kali Linux

Now ones you have completed this step , save the file by running Ctrl+x and then save and exit terminal.

Now you can drag and drop chrome to desktop by finding it in the application level.

Remember your password is Kali except you have change it before.eqch time you open chrome , chrome will ask for password always enter the kali as your password.

That is it , please if this really helped you leave us a comment below.

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