Essential Software to Install After Setting Up Kali Linux

Kali Linux software is powerful, if you don’t agree , I agree Kali Linux is powerful.

Debian-based distribution is for digital forensics and penetration testing. If your Kali Linux is Fresh then Kali Linux is packed with a suite of tools designed for security professionals.

However, to maximize Kali Linux potential and ensure a robust experience, there are additional software packages you might want to consider.

Below is a guide to some essential software to install after setting up Kali Linux.
  1. Update and Upgrade the System
  2. Development Tools
  3. Programming Languages and Libraries
  4. Text Editors and IDEs
  5. Web Browsers
  6. File Management Tools
  7. Virtualization and Containerization
  8. Productivity Tools
  9. Security Tools
  10. Communication Tools
  11. Backup Solutions

Let us explain how we can install all this software in Kali Linux.

The first step is to update our machine and upgrade it

1.Update and Upgrade the System

You have to update and upgrade your versions of machine so that your machine will be able to run effectively. Use the code below to update and upgrade your machine.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

After updating your Kali Linux with the provided code above then run the following codes.

2. Development or Productivity Tools

i. Git. Git is an essential tool for managing code repositories, particularly useful for collaborative projects and version control. We need git for completeness of our machine because Kali Linux is usually programmed with Ppython.

sudo apt install git

ii. Vim/Emacs / Nano

We need vim or Nano in our machine for text editor.

sudo apt install vim
sudo apt install emacs

You can install both or any of them to enable you to write with text editors.

ii. Gnome Tweaks

If you’re using the GNOME desktop environment, GNOME Tweaks allows you to customize the desktop environment experience. The code below will help you to install the Gnome Tweaks.

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

3. Development Tools

i. Build-Essential

This package will provides you with the necessary tools for compiling software.

sudo apt install build-essential

ii. Python and Pip

Python is a versatile language of which you know it is extensively used in scripting and tool development. Pip is the package installer for Python.

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

ii. Virtualenv : Virtualenv is useful for creating isolated Python environments

How to install virtual environment in Kali Linux

sudo apt install virtualenv

The next step is to move to security section

4. Security and Networking Tools

Of course Kali Linux is equipped with numerous security tools, a few additional ones might enhance your toolkit. Lets us run this code to install the security tools for our machine.

I. Wireshark

Of one my favorite tool is Wireshark, it is a network protocol analyzer, indispensable for monitoring and analyzing network traffic.

sudo apt install wireshark

II. OpenVPN: No doubt you need this OpenVPN for your new machine , it is essential for establishing secure, encrypted network connections.

sudo apt install openvpn

III. Docker : Docker allows you to keep your apps in containers, it makes it easier to manage dependencies and run applications in isolated environments just like your experience with virtualenv. Install it with the code below

sudo apt install

4. Metasploit Framework

It is a powerful tool for developing and to execute security task. Metasploit is use to exploit code against a remote target machine.

sudo apt install metasploit-framework

5.Browser and Extensions

We can install browsers and extension in our Kali Linux if there not already installed.

We can install Chromium or Firefox it just depend on the one you want but I want you to install both. By default Firefox is installed but if they are not installed run the following code below.

Let us install Chromium.

sudo apt install chromium

Secondly let us install Firefox.

sudo apt install firefox

Privacy Extensions . This sections Enhance your browser’s security and privacy with extensions like uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, and HTTPS Everywhere. Let’s leave it for another day.

6. File Management Tools

File Management Tools

  1. Nautilus (Files) : Nautilus is the default file manager for the GNOME desktop environment, it offers a simple and intuitive interface for a wonderful desktop experience.

How to Install

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nautilus

Usage: The launching is very easy, Launch Nautilus from the application menu or by typing nautilus in the terminal.

  1. Midnight Commander (mc)

Midnight Commander is a powerful and console-based file manager that is powered with a text user interface.


sudo apt install mc

Launch it by typing mc in the terminal.

7.Virtualization and Containerization

1. VirtualBox
VirtualBox is very popular amongst Linux users , it is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise and home use.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install virtualbox

Launch VirtualBox from the application menu or by typing virtualbox in the terminal.

2. Docker
Docker is known to be a set of platform-as-a-service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Start using Docker with commands like docker run hello-world.

8.Productivity Tools

1. LibreOffice
LibreOffice is just like Microsoft but it commonly use in Linux . It is a powerful office like Microsoft office, it provides a good alternative to Microsoft Office.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install libreoffice

To Launch LibreOffice, launch libreoffice from the application menu or by typing libreoffice in the terminal, it will pop up whenever you call on it.

2. Gedit
Gedit is known to be simple though it is a simple and lightweight text editor for the GNOME desktop environment.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install gedit

To launch gedit, Launch Gedit from the application menu or by typing gedit in the terminal.

Security Tools

1. Wireshark
Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.

How to Install Wireshark:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install wireshark

Just like we have been launching other apps, Launch Wireshark from the application menu or by typing wireshark in the terminal.

2. Nmap
Nmap is stands for (“Network Mapper”). It is a free and open-source network scanner used for network discovery and security auditing.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install nmap

You can also Run Nmap from the terminal with commands like nmap .

Communication Tools

1. Thunderbird
You definitely need email client in your Kali Linux, thunderbird is the right choice for your email client. Thunderbird is a free and open-source cross-platform email client.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install thunderbird

Launch Thunderbird from the application menu or by typing thunderbird in the terminal.

2. Slack
Slack is known for its collaboration works. It is a collaboration hub that connects your work with the people you work with online.

How to Install slack :
Download the .deb package from Slack’s official website then run the following command below to install it

sudo dpkg -i slack-desktop-*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Usage :

One of the easiest way to Launch slack is by clicking on it on the desktop. You can also Launch Slack from the application menu or by typing slack in the terminal.

Backup Solutions

1. Timeshift
As the names goes , Timeshift is a system restore tool for Linux. Timeshift provide functionality that is similar to the System Restore feature of Windows and the Time Machine tool in macOS.

Installation of Timeshifts

sudo apt update
sudo apt install timeshift

To Launch Timeshift start from the application menu or by typing timeshift in the terminal, then press enter it will open and run automatically

2. Rsync
Rsync is an utility for efficient transfer and synchronization of files between two computer. It is also used to transfer files between a computer and an external hard drive.

How to Install Rsync

sudo apt update
sudo apt install rsync

To start Rsync run rsync from the commands prompts or from the Linux terminal

Conclusion on App or software to install after installation of Kali Linux

So there are about 12 software to install in your Kali machine after you have recently updated it. Remember to always update your machine and upgrade it to keep it up to date of security patches.

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