How to Find the ModID of a LogEvent or LogRecord in Minecraft Modding

How to Find the ModID of a LogEvent or LogRecord in Minecraft Modding

In Minecraft modding, working with LogEvent or LogRecord can be a crucial part of debugging and tracking mod behavior. Understanding how to find the modid (mod identifier) from a log event helps in pinpointing issues, especially when dealing with multiple mods or complex modpacks.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to find the modid of a LogEvent or LogRecord and how to use logs for better debugging, as well as how to leverage Minecraft’s logging system to get more insight into mod-related issues. We’ll also look at useful tools like a minecraft log viewer to simplify the process.

What is a ModID?

A ModID is the unique identifier assigned to each mod in Minecraft. It’s essential when trying to distinguish between different mods, especially when analyzing logs during debugging. Whether you’re dealing with an event lookup mod or checking errors during gameplay, knowing the ModID is important for tracking.

Steps to Find the ModID in Minecraft Logs

1. Accessing the Log Folder in Minecraft

Before diving into the logs, you need to know where Minecraft stores log files. By default, you can find the logs in the log folder in Minecraft. This folder contains logs that record every action, warning, and error that occurs while running Minecraft and its mods.

To access the log folder:

  • Go to your Minecraft installation directory.
  • Locate the folder named logs. This is where you’ll find the logs, including any mod-related entries.

The logs are essential for tracking every log in Minecraft, including mod-related logs. It’s recommended to frequently check these logs when troubleshooting mod errors.

2. Using a Minecraft Log Viewer

Reading raw log files can be cumbersome. That’s where a minecraft log viewer comes in handy. A log viewer helps you filter, search, and visualize log entries more easily. You can use this tool to perform an event lookup mod and quickly find the relevant modid.

Popular Minecraft log viewers include:

  • MultiMC: This is a launcher that provides log viewing functionality.
  • FTB App: It has built-in log viewing and filtering capabilities.
  • LogParser: A tool designed to parse and analyze log data in modded Minecraft.

A minecraft log viewer simplifies your work when dealing with large log files. It enables you to focus on entries such as LogEvent and LogRecord, which can contain the modid you’re searching for.

3. Identifying Mod-Related Log Events

Once you have your log viewer set up, look for log entries that are related to mods. Mod-specific log entries usually contain information about:

  • ModID: The unique identifier for the mod.
  • Event or Action: What event the mod is processing, such as crafting, block placement, etc.
  • Errors: Issues encountered during gameplay, such as loading errors.

For example, if you encounter the error:
"Encountered an error during the load_registries event phase",
this could indicate that the game encountered an issue while loading a specific mod. In the log entry, you should see a reference to the modid that is causing the issue.

This is especially useful when working with large modpacks and trying to troubleshoot mod compatibility.

4. Searching for ModID in Log Records

When browsing through the logs or using a minecraft log viewer, focus on keywords like ModID, LogEvent, LogRecord, and the mod name itself. In most cases, Minecraft logs will specify the modid either in the context of an error, initialization, or event handler.

In case you are using custom mods, you can also include specific markers or log messages in your mod code that log the modid during events. This can be done using the logging API provided by Minecraft Forge or Fabric.


Let’s assume you are tracking down an issue with a mod called “MyCustomMod,” and you want to find its ModID. After launching Minecraft, navigate to the log folder in Minecraft and open the latest log file. Here’s an example of a typical log entry:

[12:34:56] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/MyCustomMod]: MyCustomMod initialized with ModID: mycustommod

In this case, the ModID is clearly shown as mycustommod. You can track this ID whenever you see relevant logs related to this mod.

Debugging Tips

  • Use a minecraft log viewer to filter out unnecessary log entries and focus on mod-related events.
  • Regularly check the log folder in Minecraft to spot errors before they become game-breaking.
  • Record mod errors, such as record mod mc issues, and match them with the modid to identify the problematic mod quickly.
  • If you’re working with multiple mods, it’s good practice to document each ModID during development.


Assuming you want to find if a LogRecord or LogEvent is from a a particular mod using its modid. Say you have a HashSet<String> holding desired modids.

You can get the modid a log message from the outline below

To determine if a LogRecord or LogEvent is associated with a particular mod using its modid, you need to tap into the Minecraft Forge API and Log4j framework.

Here’s a general approach to accomplish this:

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Access the Logger Context:
    Minecraft Forge typically uses the Log4j logging framework, which means LogEvent or LogRecord events are managed by Log4j’s logger. You’ll first need to make sure you have access to the logger in your mod code.
  2. Look for Custom Mod Markers:
    In modding, mods often log messages tagged with their specific modid. This means you can look for a Marker or ModContainer related to the mod in the log event. Markers are used in Log4j to label logs with custom identifiers (like a modid).
  3. Access ModID via ModContainer:
    Forge provides ModContainer for each mod, which includes the modid. You can associate the log messages with their respective mod by using the ModLoadingContext or by querying the ModList.

Here’s a possible solution outline using Forge’s API and Log4j:

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModList;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModContainer;
import java.util.HashSet;

public class ModLogChecker {

    private HashSet<String> modIds; // Holds the desired modids

    public ModLogChecker(HashSet<String> modIds) {
        this.modIds = modIds;

    public boolean isLogFromMod(LogEvent logEvent) {
        // Check if log event has a marker and retrieve it
        Marker marker = logEvent.getMarker();

        if (marker != null) {
            // Iterate through loaded mods and compare modid with the marker
            for (ModContainer mod : ModList.get().getMods()) {
                if (modIds.contains(mod.getModId()) && marker.getName().equals(mod.getModId())) {
                    return true; // Log belongs to one of the mods in the HashSet

        return false; // Log not from any mod in the HashSet


  1. Marker Check: Log messages may have a Marker, which in Forge typically contains the modid. In the code, we retrieve the Marker from the LogEvent.
  2. Compare ModID: The code then checks whether the Marker‘s name matches any of the modids in your HashSet<String>. If a match is found, the method returns true, indicating that the log came from one of the desired mods.
  3. ModContainer and ModList: This uses Forge’s ModList to retrieve all loaded mods and their respective modid, which are compared with the log event marker.

Key Assumptions:

  • Your modids are stored in a HashSet<String>.
  • The log event has a Marker that can contain modid data.

Additional Considerations:

  • Logging Levels: You may also want to check the log levels (INFO, WARN, ERROR) if you’re filtering specific types of logs.
  • Custom Log Formats: If mods log without using Markers or use a different identifier, you may need to parse the log message contents manually.

This should help you identify if a LogEvent or LogRecord is related to a specific mod based on its modid.


Tracking down the ModID of a LogEvent or LogRecord is a crucial skill for Minecraft modders, especially when dealing with complex modpacks or troubleshooting issues. By using tools like a minecraft log viewer and understanding where the log folder in Minecraft is located, you can quickly find the modid and resolve any mod-related issues.

Whether you’re creating your own record mod mc or analyzing errors related to mod interaction, finding the ModID helps ensure smooth gameplay and faster debugging.

With this knowledge, you can easily navigate Minecraft logs and ensure a smoother modding experience.

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